Change in Plans

I have often found that just when I think I know what is going on or where I am headed a large, orange, detour sign appears. Who invented those signs anyway? That is likely a great example of someone who probably had a little idea in his pajamas or while sitting in the loo. Then after negotiating a healthy contract with the Department of Transportation he suddenly retired to some exotic island. I bet that wasn't in the plans. He was probably going to continue working in a convenience store and coloring with his kids until retirement.
Life can be that way, actually is that way. The good news is that change is usually a good thing and it brings with it a whole new adventure. We moved constantly as Air Force brats so friends and houses and schools were short lived. I did not acquire real, long term friends until 9th grade. Who knew! And two of them still talk to me today. They keep moving but I keep finding them.
That bump in the road or sharp turn to the left, like the detours that seem to always occur say, at your wedding, or prom or first day at a job, those are all just a minor change in plans. You know the ones, you may have had to seek counseling after your change in plans. You spent weeks or months planning the big day, you know who the players are gonna be, what the menu will be, what you will wear, who will preform, everything down to the color of the book of matches, which quite frankly I think is the most ridiculous expense. But not about me, right?
Then it happens. Your wedding cake lists to the left upon set up causing your beautiful doves to nose dive to the floor. Chipped wings, not in the plan. But a little glue and we are good to go. Until the air conditioning doesn't work. People sweating, children crying, parents missing. Thank the Lord for those bulletins. The combination of people fanning nearly blew the old people over. And the photography took how long? And your wedding bouquet arrived sans stem wrap and resembling a dollar store close out item. WOW! Not in the plan. How will I go on, what will I do, this is not what I had planned, I did not want this, WAH WAH WAH!
Maybe for you it is the new job and your work uniform. Hand pressed and starched, ready for your big day. You want to impress everyone as you are getting your picture taken. Cool, of course, until the spewing infant sent barf flying down your shoulder and back as you held the little cutie pie while waiting. No time to change, brush it off, let it go, breath....not too deeply of course as it smells like some chefs kitchen disaster. But the show goes on. You get that picture taken, and heck, since it is only 2" big no one can really tell what that stripe is on your jacket.
A few little bumps but you are still breathing, right? Not quite in the plan but it worked out. Life goes on even when you are not sure what ride you are currently on. The ride will eventually stop and TA DA, you will have arrived at the next stop in the Big Adventure you are on.
So I consider these little diversions "gifts". Unexpected presents that may not be on any of my lists created over the years. I may not even be familiar with any of the players or costumes now before me, but it clearly looks like something is happening and I am going to get to go along for the ride. It is all good, these little change of plans, as some day you will be able to tell others about the time you thought you had it going on and pouf you were on a roadway not on your life map.


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