
"Are we there yet?" I know for our family trips that question started in the driveway. We had to share the back seat, three of us. I of course the adorable yet baby sister won(?) the center seat, floor hump and all. The elders had either door seat with a view. The old people drove and were essentially oblivious to the suffering of the baby sister :) Where's my door? Why can't I sit by the window? How am I going see? Pay attention to Me, Me, Me!
Then the parents would start the car. From the time the car started down the highway we were diverted and the adventures began. We were Air Force brats so traveling was part of the family job description. They give you a paper that says "Serve your country and move often." Not really, but it was like being in the witness protection program. Where will we live tomorrow, who will we talk to, do they have a Dinosaur there?
The really great part was the memories we made in the process. We saw everything. We were always off to a historical monument, museum, beach, air base or park. We enjoyed every environment at some point during our youth including mountains, plains, oceans, islands, small towns and major cities. We SAW the country where as today most people can not even tell you about it like where Baltimore is or whether it is a state or amusement park. The best part was, we did it together.
As my family has aged they enjoy recalling all of these memories. It is as enjoyable today as the day it happened. We have fun retelling the events, and for a brief moment everyone looks a bit younger.
That is the element of my life I try hardest to bring into MY families life today. Even my house is like a little "tour of the country". Each room has a different theme; farming in one room, palm trees and golf in another, antiques in another, western theme in another and even my laundry room is decorated. It is my little museum of art. It is beautiful and I don't mind being in there doing the chores.
We don't isolate to our cave and clan but engage in the human race. We leave the house and try to venture to different places, do new things and avoid the rut. We spend time with family and friends. We go, we see, we do! Then we can sit in our home, look at our pictures and have some good laughs. Memories!


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