
You remember playing dress up? Boy or girl we all did it so lets just put that on the table and have it done with. What is interesting as I look back and compare it to my adult life is that in some ways the costumes we chose don't look much different from what we wear in our adult life. Some kids play super heroes and fly from chair to dining room table to the corner for 5 minutes of timeout wearing nothing but some briefs and a cape made from moms skirt. The claims to save the day are only mildly eclipsed by the lack of any actual super powers. Just normal kids living in a dream. Some firefighters I know tell me this was their favorite game.
Then there are those who are going to cure their toys, pets and innocent peers of whatever ailment they decide they may have using only a spoon, pillow and pill shaped candy. As they age they may be encouraged or forced to join organizations that teach first aide, self reliance and survival which translates well into the health care profession. Of course who wouldn't hire a Girl Scout right? After all they must be reliable they have all those badges and are used to wearing uniforms. When you review the resume there are countless skills needed for the workforce such as recognizing dangerous plants or how to treat a snake bite. Think of the time you wil save with this skill set.
One group fails to observe silence for even a fragment of the day. They overwhelm those around them with constant noise, causing parents to begin to weep as they realize their little prodigy is only 2! How will they ever survive 16 more years without a hope of silence? What price will they pay? Who taught them to speak anyway? Oh wait, yeah, we can probably figure that answer out....But this group looks for opportunities to perform, be in front of the crowd, speaking whatever is on their mind. These are the children who walk around with a kitchen utensil used as a microphone. As children they preformed to a captive audience of relatives or teachers but as adults it is on a stage or before a camera as news anchors, actors, lawyers or politicians. The bonus feature for this group is as adults they will most be on the clock, there will be boundaries to the constant stream of dialogue. You will be able to turn them off.
Whatever it is, I find it interesting to see what leads a person to their adult path. I wonder if our parents had given us different costumes would it have changed who we were or would we have changed the costume to fit who we were going to become.


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